Friday, June 29, 2012

Chocolate Obsession

So last night I dreamed that I was stuffing my face full of chocolate. Literally shoving candy bar after candy bar down my throat. When I woke up, I asked myself what this dream could possibly mean. And then it hit me: THAT I AM TOTALLY DEPRIVED OF THE MOST WONDERFUL FOOD IN EXISTENCE. I thought for sure that once Sam came into the world, all of my diabetic woes would be gone and I could go back to indulging in my favorite things (namely chocolate). Boy was I wrong. My sweet, adorable, cuddly, genius baby is colic. COLIC. You might think that the whole no sleep, fussy baby thing would be the worst part of it. But no. It's the fact that eating chocolate makes him fussy that's hard. Because as much as I love chocolate, I do love my baby more, and seeing him in agony with a belly ache that I caused is just too much to bear. So alas, chocolate and I have once again gone our separate ways.

For now.

In the meantime, I figured if I can't eat it, I might as well blog about it. For your salivating pleasure, here are yours truly's top 11 favorite chocolatey delights (I tried to limit it to 10, but it was impossible):

11. Hot Fudge. Especially the stuff at Sugar and Spice in the Cougar Eat at BYU. Guaranteed to make almost anything taste better. Even Bacon.

10. Chocolate Covered Cinnamon Bears. I admit, when my friend first brought me some of these back in my sophomore (maybe junior?) year of college, I was a bit skeptical. Since then I have repented by buying chocolate covered cinnamon bears almost every time I step into the BYU Bookstore. These things kept me sane many a night on the first floor of the Harold B. Lee Library.

9. Toffee & Almond Hershey's Nuggets. These little bite sized treasures pack a punch. Maybe I love them so much because I'm usually eating them in the third hour of church when I'm starving and tired. Or maybe just because they're amazing.

8. Anything from Sees Candy. It's just that good. 

7. Dove Candy Bars. I remember the first time my grandpa brought me one of these. I had never had a chocolate candy bar that was so creamy in my life. It was definitely an awakening.
6. Symphony Candy Bars. Especially the ones with toffee and almonds, you know, with the blue wrapper. 

5. My Dad's Christmas fudge. I know everyone says their fudge recipe is the best, but this one really is. It's just rich enough to be satisfying, but not so rich that you can't eat a whole pan in one sitting. Love it.

4. Thin Mint Cookies. Do I really need to say more? I'm sure glad no girl scouts come to my house because now that I'm the adult in charge of ordering the cookies, I'm not sure I could hold back. (For added pleasure, try Thin Mints chocolate ice cream by Dreyers. Amazing.)

3. Any chocolate cake/cupcake. I am definitely guilty of loving the cake more than the icing. I just love chocolate cake. Like really love it. I love how it's just sweet enough but not too sweet to make you sick. Yep, chocolate cake with chocolate icing and rocky road ice cream. Pure heaven that I consumed every birthday growing up for as far back as I can remember.

2. Baskin Robbins' Chocolate Fudge Ice Cream. This stuff is amazing. Except it burns when it comes out your nose. But that's a story for another day...

1. The number one most amazing chocolate ever is Cadbury Mini Eggs. I'm not sure whether these are number one in my mind because they're seasonal and therefore the anticipation of them makes them even yummier, or if it's because they really are the best. Either way, they're delicious and I highly recommend buying several bags around Easter time and hoarding them for a rainy day.

So, there you have it. My top 11. If I've left any out, please feel free to add them in my comments. And if by chance any of these descriptions have made you hungry for chocolate, have some for me. Tell yourself your doing it for an old friend in need. That way you don't have to feel guilty.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My Active Little One

This kid is so active! This is what happens whenever I put him in his bouncer:

I'm pretty sure this is what he was doing the whole time in my belly, too. Hopefully those legs slow down a little by the time he's walking... !

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Boys

Can I just say I love this boy?

 (This was his first day smiling for real. He always smiles right before he goes to sleep, but it's just a reflex. This day he definitely was happy!)

Hopefully I get more pictures of him awake soon :) When he's asleep he's just so stinkin' cute that I have to take a picture at practically every nap time.

I also love this boy. It was his birthday last Friday. We had BLTs (per his request):

And who could forget this boy? Even though he takes a backseat now, I still love him, too.

I know the giant box looks exciting. Unfortunately, what was inside the giant box didn't really do what it was supposed to. It was a pillow top for our bed because Blaze struggles with the hard mattress--boring, I know, but Blaze loves a practical gift. Like I said, though, it didn't help. At all. So we are returning it. Blaze got a deer tag this year so he's going to take the money and get some hunting gear instead. I'm glad he's excited about that. I felt so bad that my big surprise was a total flop. Luckily I have a very patient and loving husband. I had to convince him to return the thing even though we both knew it did diddlysquat because he so did not want to hurt my feelings. What a guy. I am so glad he was born and that he married me. I'm pretty sure I'm the luckiest girl in the world. Happy birthday hot stuff!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

6 Weeks and Other Happenings

You know you're a mommy when your car beeps for you to put on your seatbelt and you shush it.

I can't believe today marks 6 weeks of mommyhood. Luckily, unlike Stanley my unfortunate fish, the baby is still alive. So I'd say we're doing alright. The last few weeks have been a little rough, but we're finally figuring things out. It turns out that Sam is one hungry little guy, and a little colicky, so we finally started supplementing his food intake with special formula for colicky babies. I'm also limiting my dairy intake, which is not quite as hard as my diabetic diet, but close. I never realized how many foods had dairy in them. But it's worth it. It was so sad to see my little guy miserable everyday. Now he sits for an hour or longer just happy, kicking and cooing. We are both enjoying the peace. Here are some more recent pictures from the last couple of weeks:

First bath time in the big boy bath!

Love the converse socks my mom found...

Up close!

Getting ready for my first outing without the baby. He looks so sad to see me go....

Making funny faces in the Boppy. Does he look like Harold from Person of Interest to anyone else?

I just took this one on Monday to commemorate how much chunkier he's getting. He doesn't look so much like a newborn now.

Is it just my baby or do all babies look extremely uncomfortable in pictures? He's so squirmy it's hard to get a shot where his head is where it should be. But awkwardness and all, sometimes I look at this little guy and think there's no way my heart could handle it if he was any cuter. Especially when he has a milk mustache. I would be lying if I said I had never cried looking at that sweet little milk mustache. 

But anywho, in other news, it was my birthday last week, and a wonderful birthday it was. Here's what I woke up to find on the big day:

In case you're wondering, the big black thing is an awesome jewelry box:

Blaze was even nice enough to help me sort all of my jewelry into it. AND, it had a surprise inside:

So excited to have a chick flick around the house for those nights that I just want to feel girly. The funny thing about my birthday is that I've been telling people for the last year that I'm 27, when in fact I just turned 27 on my birthday. It made swallowing the added year a little easier. All in all, it was an amazing birthday from an amazing husband. Thanks love!