Saturday, February 18, 2012

Valentines Day

So, funny story: the FedEx guy at work (Jeff) is a bit of a character. He keeps us laughing daily, and last week was no exception. The Friday before Valentines day he comes in and asks if this is Blaze and my first Valentines as a married couple. I said no, it's our second, to which he replied, "Oh. I guess we'll see if the lousy sucker even remembers you then, huh?!" It was so funny I almost died. Blaze said we're never FedExing anything again.

Luckily, the not-so-lousy sucker did remember me--even if things didn't turn out exactly how we planned. At least a month before the big day, I begged Blaze to take me to Ely for dinner for Valentines. He's not a huge fan of eating out, and would usually prefer to make me dinner instead of going somewhere, but because he loves me he finally gave in. Not that him making dinner is a bad option. In fact, he's a fabulous cook when he puts his mind to it. But eating out is like a mini vacation, which I could use every now and then. Unfortunately, come Valentines day it was a blizzard outside. No snow the whole winter and the one night we want to go out on the town it dumps on us. I couldn't believe it. But, Blaze found a way to make it fun anyway. We went to Whipple's and got burgers and tater tots (my favorite), opened a bottle of Martinellis, and then made apple sauce together. All in all it was a quiet and cozy evening and I loved it. Here are some pictures of our activities:

Here's Blaze getting the apples ready to boil (and enjoying a few bites along the way).

Here's me stirring the boiling apples and looking quite pregnant at almost 29 weeks.

Yay for Whipple's and Martinellis!

Me lovin' my Whipple Whopper.

And a family shot to end the night.

And just for fun, here a couple more recent pictures of Watson for your viewing pleasure:

He's been a little clingy lately...

Closeup of that cute little face. Gets me every time.

Watson and Blaze read scriptures together every morning. I love it.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Baby Samuel

We are down to the final stretch!! Baby Sam's due date is 3 months from today . . . or thereabouts. The doctors keep changing my due date. First it was May 2nd, then May 5th, then May 3rd, and now back to May 2nd. I, however, like the idea of having a Cinco de Mayo baby (I call him my party baby), so that's what I'm going with. Perhaps the fact that he's due on Cinco de Mayo is why I've been craving Mexican food so much. The spicier the better, as far as I'm concerned.

But anyway, I can hardly wait, which is really too bad, since at this point waiting is about all I can do. This has created some pent up energy, which I have decided to use in planning the nursery. Well, I call it planning. Blaze calls it nesting and my mom calls it obsessing. Either way, I put together a file of all the nursery things I have picked out, then laid it all out in a PDF. Here's what came of it:

We had to order everything online, so I wasn't sure how it would all come together, but so far so good! We can't actually set everything up until right before I leave for California to deliver the baby because I just can't bear to part with the extra space in his bedroom yet. But I am looking forward to seeing the finished product.

I'm thinking I'll do my own artwork in pastels. I'll probably do the zebra and the rhino from the bedding and then something along these lines, only more pastel:

If you look close at the animals on the bedding, some of them have costumes of sorts, like a circus animal, so I thought a circus tent would add some fun and "whimsy" to the room.

Anyway, this is probably only interesting to me, but like I said, I've got some pent up energy and nowhere for it to go! Sometimes I think I might just go crazy if I have to wonder one more time what he's going to look like, or how big (or tiny) he's going to be, or how cute his little toes and fingers will be, or if everything's going to be alright. I must be a first-time mom :) I guess all that worry just comes with the territory. And, as crazy as it makes me (poor Blaze), I wouldn't trade it for anything. It just makes me love the little guy all the more.

Unfortunately, I'm not the only one going crazy. I think Watson senses a change coming up and is feeling a little neglected. Needless to say, he's making himself known. Most recently by chewing up pair after pair of my pants. Never Blaze's, don't ask me why. He even manages to pull them off my bed and get to them. And it's not just little nibbles here and there, it's full on holes he's digging out of them. Here's the most recent attack:

Where does all the fabric go . . . ?

It's hard to imagine a face like this performing such dastardly deeds, but what can you do?

He's lucky he's so cute or he'd probably be outta here by now. I have a feeling Sam's going to get away with a lot, since he'll be even cuter than Watson. Then add an adorable husband on top of those two cuties, and I'm in serious trouble.

I guess it's worth it, though. :)